Northumberland County Council for the Arts & Humanities

Fine Art Gallery Exhibits 2014

Larry Deklinski- News Item
Jan. 7th-Feb. 21st
Reception Jan 7th

Mark Sassani
Feb. 28th-March 28th
Reception Feb. 28th

Coal Region Invitational Show
April 4th- May 9th
Reception April 4th

Chris Grego-Photographer
May 16th-June 20th
Reception May 16th

Gloria Zielinskie One Women Show
June 27th-August 1st
Reception June 27th

Mary Ann Levins, One Women Show
August 8th-September 12th
Reception August 8th

Juried Show
September 19th-October 31st
Reception Sept. 19th

Holiday Art Auction
Nov. 7th- Dec. 12th
Reception Nov. 7th

All receptions start are 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Free to the public

Northumberland County Council for the Arts & Humanities

Susquehanna Bank Exhibits 2014

Matt Leavens
Janury 28th to February 26th

Brandon Zalar
February 27th to March 26th

Mary Ann Levins
March 27th to Aril 24th

Welch Art Studio
"Art In Bloom"
April 25th to May 27th

Claude Harrington
May 28th to June 25th

Bill Hoffa - Photography
June 26th to July 29th

Garth Hall
Shamokin, Let's Reminisce
July 30th to September 3rd

Nicole Polanichka
Aeptember 4th to October 1st

Larry Deklinski
October 2nd to November 3rd

Lisa Welch
November 4th to December 2nd

Dennis Wagner
December 3rd to January 6th, 2015